Piloting the use of participatory rangeland management (PRM) in Kenya and Tanzania

Participatory rangeland management (PRM) is a process of planning and management of rangelands. The process is led by communities, and can be supported by government, development actors and/or rangeland experts. More information on the process can be found here.


PRM was first piloted and implemented in Ethiopia, with significant upscaling across more than 1 million hectares. A review of the implementation concluded that PRM had supported improved management of the rangelands, more inclusive decision-making processes including more women, and has contributed to better rangeland health and productivity. Learning from these experiences the Piloting the Use of PRM Project is now leading the piloting of PRM in Kenya and Tanzania.


In 2018 the Piloting the Use of PRM in Kenya and Tanzania Project was launched with funding from the European Commission. It is being implemented through International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Land Coalition (ILC). The Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) is leading the implementation in Kenya and the Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) is leading in Tanzania. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is providing technical support, and the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) is playing and advocacy and lobbying role. The Rangelands Initiative Africa coordinated by RECONCILE will be facilitating linkages between the Project and other ILC members including for sharing experiences, learning and capacity building.


